Friday, December 1, 2006

E called me

E called me at work yesterday, to set up a lunch date. (Read about my fascination with E here.) I was very pleased to hear from her, and I made sure I told her that. There was this animated quality to her voice, that I took to mean she was enjoying our brief conversation, too. Well, I think that's part of her persona, that she has a lively, attentive interest in things. I also like to think this quality rises when we talk. And just in setting the date and time (the place is always the same), we teased each other a bit. It felt good. I didn't care what my co-workers heard, I wasn't going to forego an opportunity to flirt with E.

So next Tuesday we'll have an hour or more together, to get caught up and flirt some more. I'll compliment her and I'll tell her I want to date her. And if she's not interested in dating, I'll follow up with something like, "I'm really attracted to you, E, and that motivates me to want to do something nice for you, to make your life a little easier. You bring such joy to my life, I just want to do something nice for you." I'll offer to do errands or housework, just to lighten her load. Nothing too personal.

And regardless of her response, I will be glad that I declared myself.


helpmate hubby said...

Good luck, i'm loving your blog, hope things go the way you hope they will!

subboy said...

Well thanks, hh. I'll definitely be filing a date report on Tuesday.